Our Scaling Award Winners
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Khulisa supports the wellbeing of young people who have been excluded from school / at risk of exclusion due to challenging behaviour. We do this through delivering our flagship therapeutic wellbeing programme ‘Face It’ and training the professionals and parents/carers in their lives. Our aim is to improve their social and emotional skills to prevent them from becoming NEET and/or entering the criminal justice system. We draw on robust evidence which shows social and emotional skills help improve wellbeing, manage behavioural difficulties & promote lifelong success. On average, participants start our programme with scores below the scale or national average for each of our core outcomes (wellbeing, resilience and self-regulation) but finish with scores above the average. An independent evaluation of our work by the University of Sussex (2020) found this improvement to be statically significant. In the next year, we plan to continue focusing on regional specialism in London and Manchester. We have secured contracts with SAFE Taskforce which will increase our delivery partners to 34 (from 10). We will also be delivering a pilot randomised control trial (RCT) with the Ending Youth Violence Lab on ‘Face It,’ evaluating our programme, assessing its readiness for a full-scale evaluation and taking our delivery partners to 45. Alongside support from Impetus, the FEA scaling award will help us to continue at this pace into and beyond 24/25, with a specific focus on capacity building, developing our infrastructure, people strategy and delivery model to accommodate this.
“As we continue to recover from the impact of the Covid pandemic, the panel feel that there is an increasing need for the work that Khulisa do to support the wellbeing of young people who are at risk of exclusions through therapeutic interventions, train the professionals who work with them & research ‘what works’ in improving wellbeing. We were impressed with their evidence-driven approach and felt that they are primed for the next stage in their scaling journey.”