We influence policy and campaign for a fair education

We work to ensure that effective government policy and practice supports all children and young people from low-income households in England to access a fair education.

In recent years the Fair Education Alliance has been working with organisations across education, business and the third sector to put together a comprehensive plan to tackle inequality in education. 

The Fair Education Alliance draws on the expertise, evidence and experiences of our members to create a clear consensus on what a fairer education system should look like.  Our Fair Education Priorities guide our policy and influencing work. They were created in collaboration with member organisations and come under four themes: 

  • A strong and supported workforce

  • An education system that prepares every young person to thrive in work and life

  • The best early education and care for every child

  • A joined-up system that meets rising needs

To improve the education system for children and young people, we use the collective power of our membership and coalesce around a unified message to achieve the change we want to see. We use our collective voice to influence, campaign and create the education system we believe will create a fairer and more equitable education system for all.

Working with Government

We work collaboratively with government departments and bodies, including Ofsted, the Department for Education and the Social Mobility Commission, to support their strategy development and connect them with the work and expertise of our members.


We influence policy through targeted campaigns and media opportunities, drawing on the knowledge and expertise of our members to push for solutions we know work. 

Over 120 leading organisations in the education sector signed our open letter to the Chancellor to collectively advocate for children and young people from low-income households during the current Government Spending Review process. Our shared vision for a fair education system can only be realised by stabilising school budgets, enhancing collaboration across services, and ensuring targeted funding reaches those who need it most at every stage of education.

We are also currently actively campaigning in the following coalitions:

  • Our Wellbeing, Our Voice campaign

We are currently a lead partner on the Our Wellbeing, Our Voice campaign which is calling on the Government to introduce a national young people’s wellbeing measurement programme throughout England, listening to young people’s voices to inform local and national action to improve their lives and ensure all young people have the opportunities they deserve.

  • 16-19 Student Premium campaign

This campaign exists to extend funding for young people from low-income households: while education and training are mandatory to 18, targeted disadvantage funding ends at 16. This campaign is led by FEA member, Get Further.

Policy Insights Group

Our Policy Insights Group brings together FEA members to coordinate joint advocacy efforts aiming to improve education policies for children and young people from low-income households.  The group will meet monthly on the fourth Tuesday of the month from 2-3pm and is open to staff in FEA member organisations in a role related to influencing national or regional government policy. Find out more here and join us at our next meeting!

Latest updates

Our Fair Education Priorities

Strong education outcomes for children from all backgrounds are essential to taking on the world’s biggest challenges. In 2024 education outcomes remain deeply correlated with socioeconomic background and many children are not provided opportunities to fulfil their potential.

Following the result of the General Election and the news that Keir Starmer and the Labour Party has formed a new Government, we published Fair Education in 2024: Priorities for a New Government.

In this report we outline our Fair Education Priorities, which provide policy recommendations that would tackle both the causes and the symptoms of educational inequality and ensure that no child’s access to high quality education is restricted due to the income of their parents, the colour of their skin, their SEND status, the area they live in or which school they go to.

Report Cards

Since 2014 we have produced our Report Card, measuring progress towards the Fair Education Impact Goals – a way for society to measure our progress in closing the disadvantage gap in education. In 2023 we opted to include these in our Fair Education Manifesto and in 2024 the impact goals were featured in Fair Education in 2024: Priorities for A New Government. In 2025 we will be returning to our Report Card format.