What we do

Collective action

  • We bring people together to decide what we want to do, what we need and how we will achieve it, and use this to drive policy and practice.

  • We foster trust, the cornerstone for meaningful collaboration.

  • We help to build capacity and support member-led collective action

  • We host collective action working groups, roundtables and the Fair Education Summit, and send regular updates to our members.

  • Our digital tools and Ecosystem Map connect members working across every local authority in England.

  • We join up and collaborate with other campaigns, coalitions and commissions

Policy and Influencing

  • We write statements, letters and responses

  • We create opportunities for young people and members to come face-to-face with policymakers, using our collective voice to advocate more effectively and promote our priorities for Government.

  • We support Government consultations

  • We highlight the issue of educational inequity in press and media

Scaling Impact:
the Fair Education Awards

  • We find, fund and support new ideas through our Innovation Award

  • We provide training to spread best practice, enabling other organisations to increase their impact.

  • Our Scaling Award supports and funds proven initiatives to target and reach young people who can most benefit through training, connections and leadership development.

Youth Engagement

  • We give a platform to those with insights, evidence and lived experience, so they can bring their experiences to the fore and be part of leading change.

  • Through our youth engagement work, co-led by our Youth Steering Group, we develop young people’s skills, amplify youth voice and build capacity for member organisations and education policy institutions to strengthen their own youth engagement.

The Fair Education Alliance is at the frontline in this battle and I wholeheartedly support its efforts to elevate the importance of narrowing the attainment gap... when it comes to closing the attainment gap, we will be with the Fair Education Alliance every step of the way.
— Tristram Hunt, Former Shadow Education Secretary