We’re updating our website

During the coming weeks and months, you will start to see some changes to our website. We’re improving the navigation, user experience and design, and updating some key content. I hope you like what you’ve seen so far!

Website redesigns can often prove costly and time-consuming, particularly for smaller charities and third sector organisations. While digital engagement is a vital part of any communications strategy, many simply don’t have the resources required to build from the ground up. So, what do you do when your website starts to feel outdated, hard to navigate, and ineffective?

We chose to take an iterative approach – meaning you won’t see everything change overnight. It would be wonderful if we could launch a new site with a ‘big bang’ moment, but we needed to make significant improvements quickly. We can’t afford to pause our work to tackle educational inequity at such a pivotal time! We’re updating the site bit by bit, improving as we go.

Today, we’ve released our updated template, including revised navigation menus and a new look and feel. Next up are improvements to the way the site appears on mobile devices. Following that, we’re looking at adding sections for members to advertise jobs and events (as featured in our email bulletin) and resources for Youth Engagement. We’ll also be posting regular blogs and news updates.

I look forward to working with our team to hone our website and content so we can communicate our unified message as effectively as possible – I’d also love to talk to you about your experience, particularly if you’re from one of our member organisations (you can find me on LinkedIn.)

Thank you for bearing with us while we make these changes. If you spot any errors or broken links, or have suggestions for our website, we’d love to hear from you – please email info@faireducation.org.uk.

Chris Haldane

Chris is Head of Communications at The Fair Education Alliance.


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