Theory of Change

Gabrielle Hamill (Football Beyond Borders) 

The foundation for developing your idea, including the problem, solution, and impact. Learn what it is and how to use it to guide your work! A must for anyone who is developing an idea to solve a social problem.

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Routes to Scale

Tom Ravenscroft (Skills Builder) & Nicola Hall (Careers and Enterprise Company)

How to ensure that your scaling strategy is designed in a way that enables growth and maximum impact. Learn about a variety of scaling methods - from direct scale up to open-source, licencing and government incorporation and how our members have applied these to maximise impact. Ideal for individuals who are interested in learning about different methods and approaches to scale their reach and grow their impact.

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Business Planning

James Teasdale (Multiverse)

The different parts of your business plan and how they fit together in the Social Business Model Canvas. Ideal for any innovators thinking through their business model and putting together their business plan. 

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Communicating with Influence

Lewis Iwu (Purpose Union)

The tips and tricks you need to perfect your pitch and achieve your goals through effective communications. Good for any innovators or individuals who will be pitching to funders or want to develop their communication skills.

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Impact Measurement - Levelling up

Jenny Mutter (Tutor Trust) & Alex Quinn (IntoUniversity)

Practical ways you can improve your impact and evaluation practice as you scale – this includes internal evaluation, external evaluations and getting RCT ready! Ideal for organisations who want to learn how they can further develop their approach to measuring the impact of their idea.

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Legal Structures

Megan Jones & Livia Velicu (Bates Wells)

Exploring different options for setting up as a legal entity, the pros and cons of each and how to choose a legal structure. Ideal for early-stage innovators wondering what legal structure is best for them. 

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Impact Measurement - Getting Started

Rachel Tait (FEA)

Lessons from building an evidence-based culture, and tools and methods to help you understand how best to collect and use the data you need in order to assess impact.  A must for anyone who is developing an idea to solve a social problem. Learn the basics so that you can set up to measure impact effectively from the outset. 

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Financial Planning

Robert Craig (Skills Builder) 

The tools to help you put together an effective financial plan and manage your finances effectively. Good for early-stage innovators looking to develop their financial models and others who what to develop their skills in this area.  

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Selling to Schools

Marcus Shepherd (The Wells Academy) 

What schools are looking for, how to approach them and how to market your product to teachers. Good for early-stage innovators who want to sell into schools and want tips from an experienced Headteacher about how to do this effectively. 

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Designing Your Programme

Lily Eastwood (The Literacy Pirates) 

The best ways to design your programme to effectively solve the problem you have identified. Ideal for early-stage innovators who want to make a start on or improve their programme design and others who want to upskill in this area.  

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Winning The Bid

Abigail Moss (Power2) 

What to consider when approaching corporates, trusts and foundations, how to get their attention, develop meaningful partnerships, and mistakes to avoid. Good for early-stage innovators considering corporate and trust and foundation grants as funding source and others who want to upskill in this area. 

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Using Data to Drive Strategies

Kristy Evers (ImpactEd),  Jen Fox (Action Tutoring) & Daniel Rooney (FEA) 

How you can use internal and national data sets (including the FEA digital tools) to make decisions about what and where to scale in order to achieve the greatest impact. For those interested in better understanding how to use data to target where the need is greatest and scale effectively. 

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