Quick links

Here are a few ways you can get involved and stay up to date with the work of the Fair Education Alliance:

Ecosystem Map
Sign-up to the digital tools and join our workshops in February or March

Youth Engagement
Book a 1:1 to share ambition for engaging youth – either on school councils, in youth social action or in governance – and get bespoke support, guidance or training. 

Have your team members sign up to our bulletin.

Opportunities for your pupils
Have pupils (aged +14) sign-up for the Youth Bulletin so they can get involved in social action, meeting ministers and more.

Sustainable workforce group
Sign-up for the next meeting on 4 February.
Share ideas and practices to improve recruitment and retention. 

Collective voice
Join calls to shape policy and joint submissions. Email info@faireducation.org.uk to join. 

Shape our strategy
Join one of six workshops across the country (or virtual) to shape the FEA’s work and how best to support you.  

Follow us on social media: