We are delighted to share our 2019/20 Annual Report with you all!

As we begin to digest and reflect all the richness that has come out of this week’s Summit – richness in connectivity, richness in dialogue - we would like to say a heartfelt thank you to everyone for making it such a success. We hope that you are left feeling inspired, connected, and more fired up than ever to collectively work together to create sustainable long-term change.

While we take the time to collate and harness all that we’ve heard and learnt from you over the past two days, we would also like to take this opportunity to look back on the stellar year the FEA has had in delivering the first year of our (2019-22) strategy.

To that end, we are delighted to share our 2019/20 Annual Report with you all!

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We hope that you enjoy reading through all the work that we as an alliance have done in the last year, and we want to thank you for your continued commitment to collaborating to effect systemic change. Put plainly, none of this work would have been possible without the dedication and support from each one of you.

Our 2019/20 report highlights what we as an Alliance have collectively achieved, in particular showcasing:

  • The first year of our 2019-2022 strategy, and how we pivoted our work in light of the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on disadvantaged young people.

  • How we developed mechanisms for collective action to achieve joint outcomes (through Collective Action Project working groups in our five priority areas, roundtables and policy influencing), and then leveraged this to quickly develop and deliver a collective response to Covid-19.

  • Our Virtual Booster event as a pipeline for our three new Scaling Impact Awards, an introduction to this year’s 17 winners and how we selected them.

  • The work we have done to better understand our members and support collaboration across the Alliance, through a membership audit and updating our new member selection process.

  • Our commitment to inclusion, equality and diversity as a Secretariat.

  • A look ahead to what 2020/21 has in store for the FEA.


"In this crisis, the FEA network and support for collaboration has come into its own – it is a vital part of the education ecosystem.”

- Nick Bent at The Tutor Trust

It truly has been a phenomenal year in terms of collective action in the face of adversity.

As we said yesterday, we are incredibly excited about the year ahead and cannot wait to push forward the ideas that have arisen from the past two days with you.