Update #16: The Alliance's collective response to the impact of Covid-19 on disadvantaged young people

These bulletins are a space to share how the Fair Education Alliance and our wider networks are mobilising to mitigate the impact of COVID-19 on the most disadvantaged young people. 

We will continue to share how the alliance is tackling these issues in the future bulletins, which will now be released weekly. If you want to look back on previous bulletins, you can do so here

As always, if you want to include anything in an upcoming bulletin, please don't hesitate to get in touch here.

How the alliance and beyond is navigating COVID-19

Throughout these unprecedented times, people and organisations are pulling together to help mitigate the impact of COVID-19 on the most disadvantaged young people.

A big part of this is looking beyond the current situation and preparing for a post COVID-19 world whilst mitigating the issues that the education system is currently facing. Below are just some examples of how organisations are responding, sharing how we can continue to support the most disadvantaged young people now and after COVID-19.

πŸ‘‰ The Connections Coalition has launched as a cross-sector network of organisations, charities, companies and groups. The aim of this coalition is to build strong connections and meaningful relationships in local communities during COVID-19 and beyond. Read more here.

πŸ‘‰ Children's mental health experts have urged the government to prioritise children’s play and socialising with friends over formal lessons and academic progress when schools in England reopen and lockdown restrictions are eased. Read more here.

πŸ‘‰ A number of charities, including FEA members are in talks with ministers about a pilot scheme that could see one-to-one tuition delivered to thousands of pupils across England in an attempt to close the disadvantage gap. Read more here.

πŸ‘‰ The Centre for Social Justice launched a report focused how we can get the best possible education for excluded children, and those at risk of exclusion, everywhere. Read more here.


The government released their COVID-19 recovery strategy

πŸ‘‰ In these plans it was stated that the rate of infection still remains too high to allow the reopening of schools for all pupils just yet. However, it is important that vulnerable children (including children in need, those with an Education, Health and Care plan and those assessed as otherwise vulnerable by educational providers or local authorities) and the children of critical workers are able to attend school, as is currently permitted. You can read the full report here.

Chartered College of Teaching shares a review of research evidence on school closures and international approaches to education during the COVID-19 pandemic.

πŸ‘‰ This review looks at education in times of crisis and the potential implications of school closures for teachers and students. It specifically looks at the impact of COVID-19 on learning, the effect on teachers, and the wider impact of the crisis on students' wellbeing. It also looks ahead at the plans for schools to reopen and what these plans look like in international contexts. Read the review here.

Teach First release their submission to the Education Select Committee inquiry on the impact of COVID-19 on Education

πŸ‘‰ Teach First's submission sets out what they think can be done to overcome the challenges caused by COVID-19. They highlight that during a single six-week period of the pandemic, 1.8 million new Universal Credit claims were made – over five times the number made in the same period last year. Before the outbreak, there were already 4 million children living in poverty in the UK, and as time goes on, hardship is set to impact even more families. Read the full submission here.

Asks for support

We are inspired by so many of your quick responses to address COVID-19 and want to support you in taking action. If you would like to see previous asks and offers for support, please click here. 

Sharing knowledge around digital facilitation

πŸ‘‰ During last weeks network call (our weekly call that takes place Thursday 3pm) one key ask that was raised was for organisations to share their experiences on moving their work online. If you would like to join Tutor Trust and BITC in a discussion about this, please let Lauren know and she will connect you.

Support with adapting from being school facing to parent facing

πŸ‘‰ Boromi have secured funding to adapt their current school-based play libraries and pilot home learning activity boxes delivered directly to family homes with young children who have limited or no access to devices for online learning. Their first funded pilot is launching in Leicestershire in two weeks' time.
They are currently looking for:
A) Support with how they adapt from being school facing, to working directly with parents and the systems/ processes needed for this.
B) For any organisations with connections in Leicestershire who may be able to support with their pilot.
If you can help, get in touch here and we will connect you.

 Call for stories sharing Teachers perspectives

πŸ‘‰ If anyone has stories to share to help to elevate the voices and perspectives of teachers who are doing a great job, please share them with Fiona here. The Shine Trust website will be updated with such stories, especially ahead of #ThankATeacher Day on 20th May.

Offers of support

If you haven't already,  please fill out this short form with an ask for support (e.g. technical expertise, promotion, etc) or an offer of support (e.g. volunteers, expertise, supplies, etc). We will share responses with FEA members and broker relevant introductions.

A big thank you to all 60+ organisations who have contributed to date - the programmes and services you are offering are fantastic. As previously mentioned, we will be building on this list daily to ensure that it is focused on initiatives that are most accessible and valuable for disadvantaged young people and their families.

If you come across any other initiatives that are supporting our communities, please fill in the form as we’ll update the database on a daily basis.

Key events and meetings

How will we tackle the disadvanatge gap when schools re-open? (Friday 15 May, 3.30-4.30pm)

πŸ‘‰ Join Ambition Institute Executive Director Sir David Carter and guests for a roundtable discussion looking ahead to schools re-opening after the coronavirus lockdown. They'll be debating how schools can look beyond reacting to immediate needs, and start to plan for the future and take control of the situation. RSVP here.

COVID-19: South West National Business Response Network (Thursday 14 May,15:30- 16:30)

πŸ‘‰ This COVID-19: South West National Business Response Network webinar will shine a light on success stories, looking at how to continue to support communities in the South West, helping them survive the immediate crisis and enabling them to recover and thrive in the future. Read more here.


πŸ‘‰ Every Thursday from 3pm - 4pm, we’ll host a virtual meeting for FEA members to connect, hear developments from across the sector, share organisational updates and foster our relationships even during these unusual circumstances. We will be doing a quick recap of key developments outlined in our daily bulletins and then opening up for everyone on the call to share asks of support/offers of support/initiatives and discussion points. No need to register  - just join on this link or dial in using +44 20 3855 5195   and Conference ID: 985 997 376#


The Charity Excellence Framework Funding Database
πŸ‘‰ The Charity Excellence Framework have put together a searchable, criteria based database with 545 funders that anyone can access for free thanks to the support of the Clare Foundation, a charity that brings together key stakeholders, partners, businesses and charitable organisations, to facilitate and create positive change. Access it here.

We are inspired by the action that you have taken during this time and are grateful for your dedication. If there is anything else we can do to support you, please let us know.