We Are Excited To Announce Two Key Opportunities For You To Get Involved In!

We are excited to announce two key opportunities for you to get involved in: 

  1. Join us for the FEA Impact Festival! Taking place between 20th - 29th April – save the dates

  2. Our Intrapreneurship and Innovation Awards are opening on 18 February 2021  

We know that the education system needs innovative solutions that tackle the root causes of education inequality now more than ever before. Covid-19 has disrupted learning on an unprecedented scale, exacerbating the disparities in learning and laying bare the entrenched issues in the system that enable this inequality to persist.   

However, the crisis has also been marked by phenomenal collective action in the face of adversity. 

The upheaval of the system has pushed the education sector and beyond to collaborate in support of re-imagining critical aspects of education. We have seen schools, colleges, charities, businesses, and society as a whole mobilising its resources and working together to support disadvantaged young people. 2020 also saw our first ever cohort of Scaling Impact Award Winners who collectively will make a significant contribution to ending educational inequality in England.  

We cannot return to the status quo, and we are delighted to announce two key opportunities for you to foster innovation and collaboration across the network. 

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2. The Intrapreneurship and Innovation Awards open for applications next month -
register now!

Our Intrapreneurship and Innovation Awards, made possible by the generous support of Bloomberg LP, help existing and new organisations respectively to nurture new ideas that tackle the root causes of educational inequality.  

Applications will open on the 18 February, however, we wanted to let you know now so that you can register for our Intrapreneurship Award workshop (4 March) and Innovation Award workshop (18 March) where Tisha and Shayan will take you through the yearlong programme of support and the £15k funding available for 10 initiatives! 

1. Save the dates for the Impact Festival

The FEA Impact Festival is for all staff from all FEA members (as well as early-stage innovators from the public) to increase your impact in tackling educational inequality. Join your fellow members to share and develop your skills, knowledge and networks!

Sessions will be peer-led by you, for you - our FEA members, as well as wider sector stakeholders. Submit topics you’re keen to learn or lead here by February 5th.


1. The FEA Impact Festival


We are in a challenging time, personally and professionally - it’s more important than ever to stay connected. The FEA Impact Festival (20th - 29th April) is an opportunity for connection, energy and reflection with your peers across the Alliance that are working on the same agenda as you.

Join your fellow members for a variety of sessions to help navigate the current challenges whilst driving towards long-term change. Session themes include impact, leadership and sustainability. Be prepared for interactive, peer-to-peer learning style sessions where you’ll be actively encouraged to share your thoughts and experiences with your peers! These sessions will be hosted by diverse leaders from FEA member orgs and the wider sector - submit topics you’re keen to learn or lead here by February 5th. There will also be bespoke guidance available for those applying for the Innovation Award or Intrapreneurship Award.  

The FEA Impact Festival will take place on various days between Tues 20th and Thurs 29th April.

2. The 2021 Innovation and Intrapreneurship Awards

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Innovation Award

A one-year incubator and £15k salary contribution for up to 5 new ideas that challenge the status quo to make education fair. Open to any member of the public, including all FEA member networks such as your alumni, mentors or young people, who want funding and training to develop, test and scale their solution.  

(Open to anyone) 

Deadline: 18th May

Click here for more information on the Innovation Award and the application support on offer

Intrapreneurship Award

A one-year incubator and £15k salary contribution for up to 5 FEA Members to launch a new initiative within their organisation - school, think tank, charity, social enterprise, union, etc. - who want funding and training for a staff member to develop, test and embed an internal innovation tackling the root causes of educational inequality. 

(Open to FEA members) 

Deadline: 18th May

Click here for more information on Intrapreneurship Award and the application support on offer

Hear from last year's winners:

Hussein Hussein on
The Innovation Award:

“I’m excited about the things I don’t know. They are new topics for me and it’s exciting to have access to things I wouldn’t if it weren’t for the Innovation Award!”

Louise Bostock on
The Intrapreneurship Award:

“We started the incubator Sessions as five individuals representing our orgs, we are now five connected individuals that encourage, support and challenge each other.”

Get support for the 2021

Intrapreneurship and Innovation Awards!

Sign up for our introductory workshops to gain insight about the Awards: 

Introduction to the Intrapreneurship Award (4 March, 11.00-12.00pm). Sign up here. 

Introduction to the Innovation Award (18 March, 11-12.00pm). Sign up here.  

Visit the Intrapreneurship and Innovation webpages to learn more about the Awards and the other application support on offer. 

*Icons made by Freepik from https://www.flaticon.com