Our Co-CEO Sam Butters spoke on BBC News regarding another year of inequality in A-Level results.

Pease find below a summary of what she shared:

First and foremost we want to congratulate students on their achievements in the face of such challenging times. Most importantly, talk about education policy should not cloud that in any way, nor the incredible work of teachers and staff in this rollercoaster 18 months. Congratulations!

But in another year of exam results we have another reminder of the longstanding disadvantage gap which shows that still, in 2021, a young person’s success is determined by their socio-economic background.

As Geoff Barton has said yesterday ‘Comparing results from 2020 and 2021 to years prior is like apples and pears’, so despite the gap marginally worsening, this could potentially mask the real story of changes to inequality.

Regardless, every year the fundamental message is clear – some children are less likely to do well than others and the system is not giving fair opportunity to all children.

Differences in results between black candidates, candidates eligible for free school meals and those with higher levels of deprivation and other groups are still severe and have widened marginally since last year. 👉 https://lnkd.in/dfwfrRUy

The simple message is we are continually failing these children and young people and we are not doing anything about it.

We ask again that the government address this in the Autumn Budget.

It's time to change this narrative and ensure that our education system is inclusive and works for all children.